How I got here.... journey to train as a chiropractor started when I worked as a groom in Cheltenham. I used to be captivated watching the horses work on the gallops. To kick start my interest, I quickly became head girl in a thoroughbred breeding stud. This was a wonderful experience and taught me to be highly observant and to get the best out of the young stock for the European Bloodstock sales. The experience here really cemented my interest in biomechanics. This combined with the many falls and injuries common place in the equine world for horse and rider alike!

I moved back to  Sussex where I worked in Horse Racing whilst preparing for my degree in Chiropractics.  Once qualified, I worked for Paul Harris at his Worthing Manis Clinic. I then set up my own clinic in Henfield, West Sussex, and trained to treat Horses with Chartered ACPAT physiotherapist Liz Hadland. I have spent time working as a Chiropractor on the Crystal Cup Racing Series over Europe. This included Le Lion d’Angers, Waragem, Punchestown and Cheltenham. One thing I still do regularly is travel to Ireland to work on The Curragh.

I continued to treat both people and horses until 2009 when I decided to specialise in just horses after the birth of my third child. Throughout my career I have ridden professionally in racing and eventing right up until I became pregnant with my fourth child when 4 children and full time work simply meant there were not enough hours in the day! 

I love being a mum and run a busy household of four active children. More recently I have missed working with humans and so have balanced my time so that I can spend 25% of my week working with humans again.  

I specialise in Advanced Acupuncture, Kinesiology, Sports Taping and more recently CRET technology using the INDIBA machine (see other pages).